Saturday, January 12, 2013

My endearing love for Pablo Picasso

I love art exhibits. I just so love it. Probably, the underlying reason is that I am not gifted with magical hands to combine colours or to make a single shape into an amazing artwork. This explains my admiration to Picasso, Rembrandt, Dali and of course Amorsolo. 

Last January 2012, I was fortunate to visit the Picasso Exhibit at the Art Gallery of NSW. It was an invitation of my BFF's brother and sister-in-law, Koya Mj and Debbie. Furthermore, Debbie's mom, Tita Lourdes joined us too. Tita Lourdes is such a blessing in disguise. She gave us insights and story behind Picasso's artwork. She was our walking-audio-encyclopaedia, isn't it cool, ey? 

Picasso's artwork is known to be cubism. Another fascinating thing about his work is that it is very sensual. Perhaps, I am not that acquainted with his life story that may explain it. 

Debbie and Tita Lourdes

Tita Lourdes

Chillin' at the Opera Bar

Strolling around Royal Botanic Garden


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