Monday, May 23, 2011


When I was a kiddo, I want to be a poet like William Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe, Emily Dickenson and Robert Frost. I would borrow tons (ehem!) of books from our school library just to read their works. However, I never reach a point to write like them. The difference between their works and mine is like heaven and earth -- spanish era translation -- their works are like the maharlika, mine is between sagigilid and timawa. Frustrating! (haha!) It breaks my heart up to now but I've learned my niche in writing. Imagine!! (haha!) I'm no good and not popular like them but I'm the best in my OWN WORLD OF POETRY...YEY! So, here are some of the poems that took me ages to finish..haha!!

This is the latest poem I've written today. In psychiatric nursing, there is a so-called Seasonal Affective Disorder. I guess this poem came about because winter is about to start and my endorphins level are going down.


The sun silently hides behind the mountain;

Darkness shields the entire place like a theatre curtain;

Cold breeze swiftly passes to give me a sudden shiver;

First drop of snow are falling to mark the start of winter.

The tranquility of the night permits me to hear a cry,

Of a weeping, wounded heart beguile to try,

To open a new door of chance and to watch a flower of love to bloom,

Whilst yearning for lost love to come back and to be home.

Will there be second chances or just a bittersweet goodbye?

Will there be kiss and make-up or just another sigh?

Will there be a future to look forward or just a new beginning?

Will there be hopes to claim or just a painful ending?

But why there is apprehension and doubt if your love is true?

Why my nerves are shaking in fear if it still longs for you?

Why my mind is unceasingly entralled by the thoughts of you?

Should I stop asking questions now and merely start a life with you?

Oh, dear universe connives with me and tell me what should I do?

Should I stop this foolishness or simply start anew?

Let the answer dawn upon me now like a glistening light from above;

Unveil it before my eyes so that I will end these confusing questions on love.

The next poem was written last 14 July 2010. This is a reminder to people who either can't decide or who fears commitment.


Hold my hand

Don't ever let it go

Take my heart

Don't break it in two

Walk with me

Don't just leave me behind

Sit beside me

Don't just imagine it on your mind

If you'll say, "I'll take care of you"

Please don't speak of it with uncertainty

If you'll say, "I love you"

Please don't say just today but for eternity.

Now, if you're sure of your feeling, c'mon let's go

But if you're filled with doubts, just off you go

I don't intend you to play a game with me

Just tell me if you're ready to spend your lifetime with me.

RE-POST --- 29 April 2007

"JUST A MOMENT" is the one I wrote in compliance of my REED 20 requirement. Our teacher, Mrs. Tampus, asked us to either write a letter or a poem to someone we personally wants to say "thank you". That's why I've written this poem especially dedicated to my Ate Nina.


Cloudy days have coated up my life

Now my heart is outrun with hatred; it cuts like knife

While my so-called friend just here to come and go

They're starting to leave me, why is that so?

What lies ahead on these cloudy days?

If what's on my mind is come what may,

Answers are abundant as I began to soar,

Deep into the world that I don't know anymore.

Hey! Why can't I stay in one corner?

To glimpse on my past and re-discover

On how I surmount my difficulties and trials

Before I was captured by this worldly ideals.

I'm rest assured that Someone will take a part,

Who knows the longing and needs of my heart,

But wait, what am I suppose to do,

It's stuck in my tongue, it's hard to let it go.

Until such time, I grew weary on pondering,

Towards the answer that I was yearning,

I gaze up high while my ears were listening,


THE VOICE was whispering.

FREEZING MOMENT is the revised title of THE MOST WONDERFUL DAY. I wrote this poem as a task given by CAT Officer. Obviously, as a COCC applicant, I have to obey the order OR ELSE -- punishment is at stake. The inspiration of this poem was a wedding of a couple I truly admire.


It's been so long since I asked you

To marry me in a year or two

I was astonished when you whisper in my ear

That you'll be my bride and there's nothing I should fear.

All the preparations were quite a tedious process,

But you're always on my side as my best therapist,

Your gentle hugs and sweet kisses uplifts my tiresome body

Feels like 7th heaven, every time you take my breath away

Delightful spirit has welcome the most awaited day

Every movement you make is as graceful as a fascinating ballet

I can no longer wait to have a melting glance on you

And eventually say my unwavering vow and my faithful "I DO"

Suddenly, the church doors open as you slowly step out of the car

Mesmerizing shower of sweet-scent petals I can see from afar

My radiant smile and glaring eyes can't get rid off you

For my whole being is undoubtedly entice by your shimmering glow.

At last the moment has come when you walk down the aisle

As your dad send you in the altar, you clasp him with a smile

The symponic voices of angel have vacuumed the surrounding

Now my heart beats like thunder; I can't hardly control its throbbing.

My mind is wondering, my world stops revolving

I'm totally hypnotize by your beauty that's why I'm freezing

My dad pats my shoulder, my mom pinches my side

They're freaking out on how to let my emotion subside

With teary eyes, you, my bride, began to ask

"Babe, I'm wondering what's happening with you?"

I just smiled and softly said, "I'm just so blessed that

God has brought me to you."

RE-POST --- 13 June 2007

As part of our English project (4th year high school), our teacher, Mrs. Tamse, asked us to write an elegy. An elegy is a poem dedicated to someone who died. So I decided to write an elegy to my favorite lola, Lola Liyang.


Your death was like the coldness of the winter

Like the precious diamonds that lost its glitter

Sheeps in the pasture were in grief and in pain

When they learned that a dear friend have leave them in vain.

I was aptly astounded when I knew

That you perished just a minute ago

The radiance and the brightness of the night began to gloom

Like the flowers in your garden, it terminated to bloom.

Everyone was touched by the kindness that you showed

Your genuine character will speak of it, I bet you know

You're like a best-selling novel displayed in every bookstore

That everyone wants to keep you with pride and honor.

Thank you for being an exemplary grandmother

You never fail to nurture me with your love and care

Your memories will always be in the depths of my heart

Neither it will fade nor vanish, for you already have a special part.

There are still several poems I've written but it is in my precious notebook back home. By the time I'll visit Philippines, I will post all the other poems. For now, just enjoy this...yikes!!!


Saturday, May 21, 2011

A day with "ME"

A day with "ME" means thinking solely of myself and freeing my mind from everything. I'm just allowing things to happened as it is, no planning, no time frame --- in short, no worries. In a day like this, I usually go to the city --- eating, reading, strolling, shopping (window shopping lang!), and even as simple as observing passers by.

FIRST: GOOFING -- at CHILLIZ... this is a chinese fastfood and you could have a good meal + drinks for $6. This is just to feed my useless parasites in the tummy and to nourish my non-functioning brain cells.

SECOND: LISTENING -- free music in the street mall. There are a lot of entertainers playing music while you enjoy your shopping. Most of the time, I just sat on one of the benches while reading my book and listening to them.

THIRD: OBSERVING -- this is my paparazzi shot of a couple....So sweet!!!

FOURTH: STROLLING -- As I walk along the Murray Street Mall, this car captured my attention. This is a way of promoting GREEN products.

FIFTH: PAINTING -- This is the biggest canvass I've seen in my entire life. This man is painting about Medusa with Sailormen. Around this huge canvass are small pails in which people could drop coins if they want to. Isn't it a smart way of earning money?


My Theater Experience --- as an audience!

When I was grader, I dreamt of becoming a theater actress. I want to act like those actresses who can manage to deliver an intense line while tears flowing on their cheeks. I want to dance like Sexbomb dancers, aw este, I want to dance without inhibitions like doing full spread of arms, high front kick, a perfect turn up in the air and lands to the ground with a split (ehem!). I want to sing and hit the highest note (take note "HIGHEST NOTE"). I was even willing to give up my 5 points in my total grade in exchange to the theatrical prowess of Lea Salonga and Monique Wilson. However, the so-called "chance, talent and time" were not on my side. They were too aloft that I could hardly see them from a glance. They were nowhere to be found. All I can say was: "GAAAWWWDDD" (with full conviction while closing my eyes and tight hand fist).

From that dream, I started to make a connection with theater by being an audience. The first theatrical play I watched was New Yorker in Tondo. It was held in CAP Building, Cebu City, Philippines. I tremendously enjoyed the experience but making a report out of it -- was a BOOOOOOO!!!

The second play I watched was entitled: Hillsong Christmas Spectacular -- The Shoe Fits In. It was Hillsong musicale version of Cinderella Story.

We had a good time meeting the characters at the foyer.

And just today: 20th of May 2011, I've watched my third theatrical play. I'm still overwhelmed about the Midsummer Night's Dream by Black Swan State Theater Company. There are 3 things that made my experience memorable. First, I just paid half-price for the ticket. Hooray! I have a concession as a student. Second, it was a date with myself and I was sitting in the FRONT ROW. Third, the entire play was incredibly awesome. I wasn't only fascinated by the superb talents but also by the lightings and movements of the characters. I couldn't help but laugh during the acts...uhhhmmm..actually, everybody was really laughing. I would say Luke Hewitt who played Nick Bottom was the most outstanding performer. The humour of this man is --- WOOOOWWW!!

For now, I will enjoy the different plays here in Perth. But I'm looking forward for the grandest experience --- Las Vegas and Broadway.

~*~ manelle ~*~