Saturday, March 30, 2013

Skywalk at Sydney Tower Eye

August 19, 2012 --- This is one of our bravest experience as a couple. Alright, I'm not really an acrophobic or which is better known as a person with fear of heights. I know how fearful for Johnson to climb 268 ft above the ground to simply join me in this undertaking. I commend him for being such a good sport even if he was nervous the whole time. Let me brag a bit, I'm such a lucky girl to find someone who conquers his fear and set it aside, just to make me happy. I know I can be happy with myself alone but I'm happier to have you around my baby. *yeeeeee, cheesssssyyy!!!!***  

On a serious note, Sydney Tower Eye is twice the height of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Without exaggeration, the aerial view of the city is truly breathtaking. You will be able to see the Bondi beach, Manly, Olympic Park, Port Denison and so forth.  

Here are some general information about Sydney Tower Eye.

*** It is the 2nd tallest building in Australia.
*** It has 3 elevators which take only 40 seconds to go up and down.
*** Each glass platform can carry about 400 kg.

We were lucky that our tour guide was knowledgeable about Sydney. She gave us a bit of history for some remarkable attractions and nonetheless, injecting humour in between to make it more fun. We totally enjoyed it together with other tourists. What an adventure!!!!

Jump! Jump! Jump! 

 Beautiful city view 

Soaring up the sky


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